Alternative Pathways

Service details

What are Alternative Pathways?

Alternative Pathways are sometimes called Alternative Provision or AP. These offer different education or training options for some young people. Alternative Pathways provide access to a wide range of learning options which may better meet the needs of some young people. They may be particularly helpful to those who struggled in mainstream settings.

How does it work?

More pathway options and accredited courses helps more young people to succeed and progress into further education, training or paid employment.

In most cases providers offer programmes based around a core of English, Maths and personal development. They will also focus on vocational pathways which offer a more direct route into work or work related training.

To support this approach many providers have relationships and links with:

  • work-based learning centres and
  • networks of local employers

These helps young people access regular work placements and work-related learning.

They can also support progression into Pre-Apprenticeships or full Apprenticeship programmes.

Where can I find out more?

Hackney Education's Alternative pathways directory.

SEND Local Offer

Local Offer Age Bands
Secondary 11-14
Preparing for Adulthood 14-18
Young Adults 18 - 25
SEN Provision Type
  • Universal
  • Targeted

Who to contact

Hackney Education's Alternative pathways directory.
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