KIDS Outreach - Short Breaks Service

Service details

What is a Short Break?

Short Breaks are how local authorities perform their duty in the Children's Act 1989 to "provide, as part of the range of services they provide for families, breaks from caring for carers of disabled children to support them to continue to care for their children at home and to allow them to do so more effectively."

A Short Break allows a disabled young person to have an enjoyable break away from their main carer and gives their carer a break from their caring responsibilities.

Find out more about Short Breaks in Hackney including how to apply here. 

KIDS Outreach Short Breaks Service is a Hackney-approved Short Breaks provider. It is one of the options available to families eligible for Short breaks in Hackney. 

Who are we?

KIDS Outreach offers opportunities for disabled children and young people to explore new interests and develop their independence through tailored support.

The service has been designed in partnership with families of young disabled people to meet their needs. Support is carefully matched to the individual needs of each young person and family.

Our team of skilled professionals, includes; buddies, key workers, mentors, support workers, and specialised caregivers. Their experience and expertise ensure the service provides effective support.

KIDS Outreach is registered with the CQC (Care Quality Commission). We strictly follow all relevant guidelines to ensure we provide a safe and trustworthy environment.

If you have a child with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), you may be able to get a ‘Short Break’ at this service.

What do we do?

Our home or community short activity-packed breaks are carefully designed for and with individual families and young people. They offer a gateway to new experiences, new friendships, and vibrant memories. They help individuals:

  • develop essential life skills
  • foster a greater self-reliance.

Parents and carers of families using this service can benefit from a break in their caregiving.

How does the service work?

We provide 2 options for families accessing our service. 


Families can be allocated a 1:1 Short Breaks worker who will take their child or young person out to enjoy different social experiences. It might be a trip to the cinema, bowling, a park, or an adventure playground. We will agree with you on what you want to do.


Or KIDS Outreach workers can also provide care in the comfort of your own home. This can allow the rest of the family to go out and enjoy time together knowing that your young disabled person is well looked after and interacting with someone focussed on their needs.

Find more information for the KIDS Outreach Service on the KIDS website here.

SEND Local Offer

Local Offer Age Bands
Primary 4 -10
Secondary 11-14
Preparing for Adulthood 14-18
SEN Provision Type
  • Targeted
  • Specialist

Who to contact

Contact Name
Michael Singh
020 8806 6149 020 8806 6149 0787 789 2376 0787 789 2376
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Where to go

KIDS Outreach, KIDS Adventure Play Hackney
Spring Lane, Big Hill

E5 9HQ

View E5 9HQ on a map
Venue Notes

Buses 253, 254, 393

Train Clapton

Is there travel support for this service?

This is a community-based service.

Children and Young People are collected and dropped off by their 1-1 worker

Time / Date Details

Time of day
  • Morning
  • Afternoon
  • Evening
Session Information
Monday to Sunday 9am – 7pm

Other details

Who is eligible?
  • Disabled children and young people aged 5-18
  • Living in Hackney
  • Eligible and registered for Short Breaks. 
Referral required?


Referral Details

Families can access the service via a referral from the Hackney Short Breaks team or their allocated social worker at the Disabled Children's Service.

What to do if you have a complaint

We welcome comments and suggestions about the services we offer. It is when you tell us that the service is not working quite right or not quite of the standard you expect that we can do something about the situation.

We also love to know what works well or when you have received a great service from a member of our staff so we can make sure they are recognised.

Provide feedback or raise a concern on our website here.


Contact the service manager Micheal Singh who will review the information you send and someone will contact you to see how they can help.


Can parents & young people buy this service as part of their SEND personal budget?


SEND Personal Budget - Notes
Individual Budgets from Short Breaks can be used to pay for this service.


  • Free for families accessing Short Breaks

Feedback from parents and others who have used this service

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