Personal budgets for adults - Brokerage

Advice page content

Personal Budgets from Adult Social Care, Brokerage

If you like the idea of having more choices but don’t like the idea of being an employer and managing the money and the other responsibilities that come with it you could approach an agency to provide you with options for support.

There are agencies that other people in Hackney already use because they have been approved by Hackney Social Care Services.

The aim of these services is to enable clients to continue to live independently in their own homes and in their local community and to be in control of their own support at home. 

Once clients have chosen their own personal carer(s) some of the agencies can train the selected personal carer(s) to meet your specific needs. They can seek out payments to carers and act as the legal employer on behalf of the person receiving the care/support.

To find out more about these agencies speak to the Information and assessment team or your social worker. 




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Page last modified: 10/10/2023